The Letter from the General Secretary
General Secretary
Marek Spisak

Dear friends,

We are living at a time when the world has become increasingly secular and is facing many changes, challenges and conflicts within society. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to stand up for the gospel, so we can reach the new generation who is growing up in a very different environment than what we had experienced in years past.

We also realize that the Western world, including the United States, have again become mission fields where there are many people who have never heard the gospel.

Therefore, it is our desire to recommit ourselves to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who came into this world to save sinful man and establish the Kingdom of God. By planting churches across the 50 States that teach about the cross where Jesus shed his precious blood and his resurrection to life on the third day, we hope that more people will put their trust in him and find eternal life.

We also believe that every follower of Jesus Christ has received unique gifts from God, which they should use to glorify God. We work together with our affiliates to provide opportunities for our members to get involved in initiatives where they can dedicate their lives and talents to serve Him.

We invite you to visit our churches and look forward to welcoming you there.

May God bless you,

Marek Spisak

General Secretary
Olivet Assembly USA