Casting the Wide Net: OAUSA Promotes Church Growth & Expansion Through Cell Group Formation

In a bid to maximize evangelistic efforts this Pentecost season, the United States Olivet Assembly (OAUSA) is spearheading a campaign to prioritize effective church administration aimed at fostering rapid growth. Central to this initiative is the establishment of cell groups and cell churches, heralding a new era of mass evangelism within the organization.

Under this strategy, churches are urged to appoint cell group leaders who will oversee targeted demographics or geographical areas, facilitating close-knit connections and providing pathways for individuals to progress into membership and leadership roles.

Cell groups consist of small gatherings typically ranging from 6 to 12 individuals, under the guidance of a designated cell leader. These groups often form based on shared locality, educational institutions, or mutual interests. Unlike traditional church gatherings, cell meetings can typically take place in members’ homes, designated rooms within the church facility, or alternate third-party locations. The agenda for cell meetings can include various activities such as fellowship meals, communion, prayer sessions, worship, sharing personal experiences, and engaging in Bible study and discussions.

Cell groups are poised to revolutionize evangelism and shepherding practices, eclipsing the usual sermon delivery methods in terms of growth and impact. With each cell entrusted to shepherd a dozen individuals, the emphasis is on monitoring and nurturing the spiritual progress of participants. By fostering active cell groups, churches aim to bolster retention rates among individuals reached through evangelistic campaigns, thereby optimizing time and resources.

Looking ahead, OAUSA is charting an ambitious mission strategy to cultivate new members and leaders across all 50 states.