With aim to expand the national mission in first half of 2021, the United States Olivet Assembly is preparing to hold a one-day US mission exhibition online in April. OAUSA will be sending invitation to the exhibition to all prospective ministers and theology students from across the nation. The exhibition is expected to place the national mission vision and works on full display through a series of presenters and Q&A sessions.
OAUSA seeks to recruit a new class of ministers for the national expansion by offering an “open house” approach to the US mission field. The exhibition proposed include a series of experienced speakers from US mission who will give detailed explanation to their daily works and their visions and strategies employed for the saving of souls. Also proposed are Q&A sessions where current ministers can engage in discussion with prospective candidates and help allay their concerns toward participating in the wide field of mission that awaits them.
Through the new approach, OAUSA hopes to open the door of US mission widely in the coming months. The focus of US mission rests on planting churches in strategic cities within before the 2021 General Assembly in October.