On December 25th, the Northeast Regional Christmas Retreat has concluded with a Christmas service, a closing service, and overflowing testimonies of grace. The closing service was delivered by Pastor Mark Spisak after the Christmas service followed by the testimony time in overflowing grace of celebration of Christmas. WOA General Secretary Pastor Mark Spisak delivered the message on Galatians 1:3-5, and Galatians 3:13-14, that Jesus Christ took upon the curse for the sinners and redeemed our sin so that we would become the descendants of Him by faith and exhorted to remember the grace of Jesus Christ what he did for our sin and his unconditional love to give us the eternal life during the closing service.
And the testimony was presided by New Jersey Immanuel Pastor Michael Ford and many participants have joined sharing the grace they received with tears and touched the heart of the congregation.
All participants have shared the grace that they have received during the retreat and online streaming went successfully as well that could deliver the live broadcastings to the members and newcomers so that they share the same grace that happened on site.
The Northeast region has served and also promoted the Christmas retreat and gives thanks to the Lord that he has poured out abundant grace on everyone who joined the retreat. They offer up the deep gratitude and praise to Jesus our Lord who has come and dwelt among us to give the eternal life in this world as His love is endless, celebrating the ‘Merry Christmas’!