On October 4, St. Louis Immanuel Community Church held Sunday worship service. Pastor Anthony Chiu preached the Word from 1 Kings 3:5-14 and other verses:
When God approached Solomon, he asked for wisdom to administer God’s people in justice, instead of long life, wealth, or the death of his enemies. God was very pleased by his prayer, granted his request and everything else he did not ask for. Praying with the right attitude and mindset is important.
Solomon asked wisdom, and the beginning of the godly wisdom is reverence for the Lord. This wisdom is not the wisdom or intelligence pursued by this world, instead, Paul said God has made foolish the wisdom of the world. We often befall into personal situations and entrapped by circumstances surrounding us, but we must look toward where God is leading and where his glory will rise.
May the Lord continue to bless the body and the spirit of the St. Louis church members!