“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:14)
In this Christmas season, churches and fellowships of Olivet Assembly in the United States are preparing to greet this profound time of the year to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Immanuel Church in Dover is going to hold a three-day retreat to reflect on the reason why Jesus came and how God’s Son became incarnate in this world. His entry to this troubled and dark world of sin was joyful news to men, yet, a sorrowful story that revealed men’s ignorance and arrogance. Four lectures will illuminate the different aspects of the Christmas story and its theology to remind the audience of God’s wonderful light exposed through Jesus in this world.
Churches in New York City, Washington, D.C., Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago are respectively preparing to host Christmas Services or Retreat programs to best communicate God’s most visible expression of love: Sending His one and only son. Lectures and messages will be delivered by each churches’ ministers and teachers to explain the meaning of the coming of God’s Son to this world and how it impacted mankind.
Christmas was celebrated earlier by fellowships as students will leave for their homes during the holidays. Apostolos Missions in Riverside held a program called “Let the heavens rejoice; Let the earth be glad.” The program was created to help students participate and get closer to one another by knowing the meaning of Christmas. Fun games and activities were also included with sermons and lectures.
May this time give a moment of sincere reflection to everybody in Christ and gain comfort to share with the world.